Sandon Church People
21st Century Church
Sandon Church Building
11th Century Building
St Andrew's Church
Sandon CM2 7RQ

St Andrew's, Sandon is a part of the local Ministry and Mission Unit, called The Compass Churches, which itself is part of the Deanery of Chelmsford, which is part of the Archdeaconry of Chelmsford in turn part of the Diocese of Chelmsford.

We are currently in vacancy without an incumbent.
Our profile for a new priest is here.

Richard Cecil
Tel: 07972 696767
Andy Horne
Tel: 01245 475279

Safeguarding Details:
We are committed to Safeguarding Children, Young People, Victims/Perpetrators of Domestic Abuse and Vulnerable Adults.
The PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England's website.
This link has the detail of Sandon's arrangements.
Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Alison Read, who may be contacted at church or by email.
Richard Cecil may be contacted by email too.

The Chelmsford Diocese Safeguarding Team can be contacted at 01245 294444 or
Out of hours, please contact Social Services on 03456 061212.
In a safeguarding emergency, dial 999.

Diocesan Resources
Our Diocese on their website have various resources on the website. Use this link and then click on which day you want to use the material.

Prayer & Practical
If you would like us to pray for you then please contact us and we will be pleased to do so. We also want to help local people in practical ways so if you need practical help or want to ask for prayer contact one of the Church Wardens as above.
You can download the Prayer Diary by clicking here.

We are all one in Christ Jesus.
We belong to him through faith,
heirs of the promise of the Spirit of peace.

Next Sunday's Services
Mothering Sunday
10:00 am Mothering Sunday


Please click or scan the image below to go to our giving page. Each year we have expenses of about £40,000 or daily £100. Thank you so much.

We are pleased to announce that St Andrew’s has achieved the Eco Church Silver award on 24th May.
Congratulations to all who have worked to achieve this.
Information for Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals
Weddings Please see for information about Church Weddings. You will see the requirements for you to marry in a particular church and many helpful hints for choosing readings and hymns, how to contact the vicar, the roles of ushers, best man and bridesmaids plus much more.
Wedding Flowers and Bells Lesley Worboys co-ordinates flowers in church. Please contact her on 07922 120181. Please contact Mike Worboys on 01245 224612 if you will want the church bells rung.
Baptisms Please see for information about Christenings. You will find help with planning, what Christening/Baptism means, how to choose Godparents and much more.
Funerals Please see for step by step information about planning and going to funerals. There are suggested hymns and readings as well as helpful suggestions for all aspects of the funeral service and more.
If you wish to enquire about a Wedding, Baptism or Funeral please ask a Churchwarden.

may be made to the church's account with Lloyds Bank. Account Name: Parochial Church Council of Sandon Sort Code: 30-91-85 Account Number: 00314732 or by Cheque payable to Sandon PCC posted to Nick Bobeldijk, 34 Gilmore Way, Great Baddow, Chelmsford CM2 7AW
Thank you.